Category: Quantitative

More Ways to Measure Pitch Mix Variation

Earlier this year, I took a hack at defining what I referred to as pitch mix variation. Pitch mix variation, as I conceived of it at least, would be a single number to capture...

Getting to Know Exit Velocity Distributions

Although they offer really helpful snapshots of particular data points, measures of central tendency (mean, mode, etc.) sometimes leave a lot to be desired. To help with that, there are all sorts of measures...

What is Being Thrown: Pitch Usage in 2021

Several weeks ago I took a rough hack at quantifying the variation of any given pitcher’s pitch mix. As a step back, and tangential extension of that exercise, below is a very general summary...

One Way to Quantify Pitch Mix Variation

What follows is a general attempt to create a super simple, catch-all metric that aims to define how varied any given pitcher’s pitch mix is, relative to the rest of the league. My goal...

On the Value of Sprint Speed

Baseball players, you’ll be surprised to hear, are evaluated in part based on how fast they are. You know: speed is one of the five tools! To that end, what follows briefly examines player...